Past Projects
Dam Removal
Small project: Smelt Brook, (Sullivan)
Larger projects: Head Tide dam (Alna), Coopers Mills dam (Whitefield), Narraguagus ice control dam (Cherryfield)
Salt Marsh Restoration
We offer our expertise in vegetation response to tidal restoration and a deep abiding love and appreciation for coastal wetlands to help assess, survey, fund, permit and manage salt marsh and tidal restoration projects.
Schoppee Marsh (Machias), Machias Tide Gates (Machias), Addison Tide Gates (Addison), Islesboro Narrows.
Are you looking for someone to facilitate clarity?
Book a 30 minute consultation with Shri to outline your next steps to move your project forward. Shri is available for public speaking, workshop facilitation & strategic planning, and guest teaching events.