Project Examples

Dam removal

Small project: Smelt Brook, (Sullivan)

Larger projects: Head Tide dam (Alna), Coopers Mills dam (Whitefield), Narraguagus ice control dam (Cherryfield)

Salt marsh restoration

We offer our expertise in vegetation response to tidal restoration and a deep abiding love and appreciation for coastal wetlands to help assess, survey, fund, permit and manage salt marsh and tidal restoration projects.


Schoppee Marsh (Machias), Machias Tide Gates (Machias), Addison Tide Gates (Addison)

Culvert replacement & fish passage

We have assisted the Towns of Cherryfield, Machias, Marshfield, Addison, Willimantic, and Alna replace culverts and improve fish passage and wildlife habitat with Stream Smart (1.2 bankfull width) infrastructure.


We offer surveying, biological assessments, grant writing, engineering coordination, permitting, and full project management from start to finish for culverts eligible for the Maine DEP water bond culvert replacement funds, and other climate action funding sources.


Branch Pond fish ladder (China)

Community organizing & public speaking

We offer experience coordinating and hosting conferences, educational presentations, and community outreach.


We organize around the 4 principles of Economic Democracy on a foundation of neohumanism. This means that we advocate for all beings to get their needs met and we are here to coordinate cooperative efforts to that end.

Science-based advocacy

As a Fellow with the Union of Concerned Scientists, co-founder of the Maine 500 Women Scientists Pods, and co-founder of the Alliance for Economic Democracy, Shri brings the force of her love for community together with the power of science to stand up for equitable, nature-based solutions, environmental protection & justice, and ecological restoration on a systemic level.